Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis

Client: Naran Automotive

Project: Branding

Agency: Foxtrot Papa

Skills: Branding | Logo design | Design | Typography 

Working at Foxtrot Papa I was tasked with creating a full brand suite for a new supercar company; Naran Automotive. 

Naran Automotive is the realised dream of Ameerh Naran, who since the age of four has dreamed of creating a performance vehicle brand and portfolio.

I created a shield that reflected the founder’s Zimbabwean heritage – the African Fish Eagle motif. I utilised sharp geometric shapes that reveal the company’s commitment to precise jewel-like design. The circular tachometer dial aims to focus on the most exhilarating and highest performance standards that the brand strives for. And finally ignited gold as the colour palette to symbolise a brand that is courageous, desirable and empowering.

